Thank you so much for joining me on this journey to being bold!
I am the founder of Girl Be Bold and the first member and student of this impartation!
The birthing of Girl Be Bold was in early 2019 where I found myself in a very dry season. My life and everything around me seem to be falling apart right in front of my eyes. I lost all hope, passion, dreams, my relationship with God was present but not strong and the sight of my purpose was fading. It wasn't until March of 2020 that i decided enough was enough when my health started to effect where I was mentally. It was time that I be intentional about getting my joy back not just because of my health but for my future children and those that are connected to me now; ultimately, I wanted better for myself and who God called me to be.
Everyday started off with words of affirmation that I spoke over myself each morning, and one of those were BE BOLD! Be bold, Be brave, Be beautiful! I had to remind myself of who I was called to be and not submit to what was happening to me. God had to renew my mind and soul. In early 2021 it was placed on my heart to then help others who, as I once did, didn't see any hope in my valley. To speak life through words of encouragement and words of affirmation; to create a positive platform for every other person that had to crawl out. I see you! I feel you! You are not alone. The journey was not easy but it was worth it! I now am more confident in who I am and called to be. And this is my prayer for you through
Love you with purpose,

Joi Sullivan
Founder and owner of Girl Be Bold Co.
Be Brave, Be Beautiful, Be Bold